Hanggang Sa Dulo Ng Buhay Ko: The exorcism of Naomi Espiritu | Episode 34 recap

“Hanggang Sa Dulo Ng Buhay Ko” or Until the end of my life

I dont know if i translated the series title right.

SPOILER ALERT: Dont read when you havent seen the episode.

they went back to the house

and naomi guides them

down to the basement

they are calling naomi

using a ouija board

then they got interrupted with the sounds of car alarm. Matteo and this guy went to check it out.

it took them so long to get back. naomi was about to check them when naomi’s presence was detected.

they asked what naomi wants. naomi answered by ouija board “MATTEO”

back upstairs, naomi hugged matteo

naomi was behind matteo

matteo calls out naomi

matteo asked what does she want. and she answered “YOU”

matteo punches naomi but then realizes he punch someone else

“calm down! maybe this is what naomi wants. that we are fighting against each other”

they can feel Naomi’s presence, they started holding hands together and prayed

Naomi was beside Yvie.

Naomi grabs Yvie’s knees and drags her to the basement

Yvie was scene her suffocated

He order appear to show up

Naomi appears to be strangling Yvie. She demanded Matteo to join her to the “kabilang buhay”  I translate kabilang buhay as world of the dead but others translate it as afterlife.

Then Matteo saw the sewing machine. That sewing machine was Matteo’s gift for Naomi when she was alive.

they’re negotiating with naomi.

Matteo grabs a mallet.

And destroys the sewing machine

Naomi begs not to destroy their memories but Matteo still destroys the sewing machine. Then Naomi disappears infront of them.

Matteo rushes to Yvie’s side.

Yvie woke up and asked what happen. Matteo told her that Naomi wont bother them again since he has destroys all the things that connects him and Naomi.

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