Embed your Redbubble products to your wordpress website using html code

Clicking the images will send you to redbubble.

Buy my spiral notebook

Buy my tote bag

Buy my pouch

the redbubble script is not working for me so i ended up making the html codes myself

maybe its becuase im using free plan on wordpress.

you can try clicking the images above.

if you are viewing this post using wordpress app, it wont send you to redbubble page. instead, it will zoom the images.

if you are satisfied.

then i’ll teach you or give you the code. if there are any problems, dont hesitate to comment or message me. i wont hesitate to help. pls credit me for this.

here’s the code








if you want to change the size of images, change these values. i set my width and height to 200. if you want smaller images, then go lower than 200. if you want bigger images, then go higher than 200.

Check out my merchandise


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Rafael Lora Mark says:

    Hey! Great post! How do I do the same but publish by category, not just by product.


    1. waterinegirl says:

      something like this?


      unfortunately there is no shortcut.
      open your redbubble account. if you want to embed hoodies for example, then click all hoodies from your redbubble profile. then manually copy and paste or write the code.


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